Football » Media Credentials Request

Media Credentials Request

Request doesn't guarantee credential.
Requests must be made 24 hours prior to game/event.
By submitting this form, you agree to the following:
1. Loaning or transferring credentials to another may result in immediate permanent revocation of media credentials and ejection from the event of the original holder and unauthorized holder of the credentials.
2. All music and audio used when featuring Dorman athletes MUST be clean and contain no profanity. Failure to comply will lead to permanent revoking of media privileges.
3. Credentials must be displayed at all times during the media event. Daily credentials will be distributed by the athletic department and are only valid for the game/event requested.
4. Failure to adhere to the requirements of this policy may result in revocation of credentials for the representative and their outlet. All media personnel will be held accountable for their actions, conduct and professionalism during the game/event.
5. Credentials do no imply any guarantee for access to all locker rooms unless otherwise noted and approved by the athletic director.